Hi All...I'll talk about this version a little more later...but I wanted to give it a quickPlugIn();
Download Triton 1.5 from AIM.COM. It isn't at its best yet...but its a whole lot better than what we had before :)
And again, on behalf of the AIM team...Thanks for the support. Happy AIMing!
Hi there deepak :)
The versioning scheme for our 1.5 build on aim.com is kind of confusing. We label it 1.5, but the actual version in the about box is something like 1.2.80. So downloading from aim.com will give you the latest "preview" build there is.
On another note, I suggest waiting for the upcoming GM build that's coming really soon. We've made some notable performance gains, and some slight tweaks to the interface (away messages and such). You can download a beta version from beta.aol.com if you'd like.
Ultimately, thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy the upcoming AIM release.
Happy AIMing.
Not to be a hater, but I'm perfectly happy with my current AIM and perfectly UNHAPPY with the pop up in the lower right of my screen which keeps asking me to install the Triton 1.5 Preview.
How do I make it stop???
First off I'd like to say thanks for not trying to be a hater :) Secondly, thanks for using the AIM product in general.
As far as I know, you should not be getting the notifications as often as you make it seem. In classic AIM (5.9), there is a setting in the preferences -> Sign On/Off section that allows you to choose between Auto Upgrade on "Beta/Final" or just "Final" releases.
This would mean there is no real way of turning these notifications off, but by design, you should have only gotten these events a few times...once for every beta which is rare in itself...
If not, I apologize that you're getting nagged to upgrade.
I, too, used to run AIM 5.9 and AIM Triton simultaneously...
With the latest Beta...I'm new AIM all the way ;)
Thanks for the comment and support.
I, too, am getting the popup to install the latest version of Aim Triton. It comes about every 20 minutes. I hit close, or delete on the "view history" button, but it keeps coming back!
Ahhh...so I'm starting to think you guys are already using Triton and we're pestering you to upgrade to another version of Triton. There's a very good reason for this...
Because you should!
The update will help resolve some memory leak issues as well as a few performance issues. The UI/core is not much different, just major fixes.
So in the end, I highly suggest upgrading your build if we're nagging you that often. And if you can wait, the build we're releasing in a few short weeks will leave you remembering why it is you use AIM ;)
if i cannot stop that window from pestering me to upgrade, i will remove AIM from my computer. Is that the only solution available to save myself from unwanted America Online software?
that's a heck of a reputation for AOL to have - the only way to stop unwanted popups is to get rid of their software.
a suggestion for stopping this harrassing popup would be appreciated.
Well, as said before, we are doing this because the software version you are currently using has some major issues we'd like you to resolve via update. AOL is not the only company that sponsors updates for applications found to have major issues. In fact, a lot of software companies "quietly" update your application with you knowing, we figured we'd at least inform you. ;)
End game, I suggest getting off of Triton and downloading the new AIM 6 from aim.com. It's actually the first build I've made that I can actually say is a true AIM 5.9 replacement.
Again, sorry for the agitating popups. Take my word and download the new AIM 6 and let me know how you like it. There is much to do but AIM 6 is a solid starting point.
thanks for responding with some forthrightness.
I test software for a living, and i know that higher management will occasionally release software before its time due to other business pressures. there's always a tradeoff between losing a consituency that wants that latest and greatest, and alienating an existing constituency that wants their old capabilities to continue working.
i'm in the latter category.
i'm sorry that aol catered to the former category.
I removed aol a couple of years ago because its software was so intrusive (and no, it didn't ask before it infiltrated my system). I will now remove AIM as well.
but again, i appreciate your forthright answer.....
I, too, keep getting the AIM(R) Triton 1.5 preview popup. I DO NOT have AIM installed in my computer! I am unable to get rid of the popup. Would you please provide directions for doing so? I would REALLY appreciate it!
I have not installed Triton but am getting nagged at approximately 5 minute intervals. Having a quick method to expel this pest would have been nice. Since you haven't done so, I'll have to delve into the dark recesses of my computer to ferret out the vile beast. None of this tends to endear me to AOL.
HEY AOL... get ur poop together and stop FORCING updates on people.
doesn't anyone know how to get rid of this? it keeps popping up EVERY 20 minutes. clicking on "install now" has no effect... it just keeps popping up. Obviously this is an AOL or AIM bug. Can someone please help?
This really sucks. I am now getting this pop up EVERY 5 minutes. I did what one reader suggested, clicked view history, clicked preview then clicked delete, and still it WON'T go away. I resent the intrusion on my computer screen, and don't feel anyone has the right to keep invading MY space, when it is clear that I don't want them to. I am already pissed that one day I sign onto my computer, and find AOL when I had nothing to do with that. I can no longer store things in favorites if there is any kind of emblem such as, " * // and more. My frustration level has sky rocketed, and I want this thing gone.
And I'm with you all...
It turns out that the Triton to AIM6 upgrade notification is relentless. I, myself, thought we were going to roll out the upgrade in a different fashion. I've actually voiced my opinion and stated my reasons to those that matter here in AIM world. But since the method has already been rolled out, I guess there's not much that can be done...
Not that this fixes anything, because like I said, I hate the idea of constant nagging, but what are the reasons for not upgrading? I understand there are some differences between AIM 5.9 and AIM 6.0 so not wanting to upgrade is slightly still understandable. But because AIM 6.0 is basically Triton but more stable and more feature set, I don't quite understand the reason for not upgrading.
Thanks for the input. Again, I'm with you guys on this one.
I have been nagged with this triton 1.5 preview popup for over a year now. I had spoken to a live person on the phone about 6 months ago and was able to remove the popup. It rrecently reappeared and popups up every 20 minutes, interupting what I am currently involved in. Popup blockers do not stop it. Now when I talk to AOL technical support I am told they cannot help because I am not paying for the service.
I hear that by unstalling AIM does not help either. I really resent the intrusion by AIM.
I read one comment from romy macasieb where he could not understand the reason why many of us just don't trust him and upgrade to AIM6 which is his program.
The only reason I have stayed with AIM is because I cannot afford a paid subscription and many of my friends have accounts here.
If AOL or AIM cannot or will not do anything to help, maybe one of those television news help reporters could.
What is the fix? I don't want upgrades beause my version is very stable for my needs. It is easy to use, used seldom, and does not interfere with any other system applications.
I respectfully request someone at AOL / AIM help us with this productivity issue.
Once again,
I really can't stress the upgrade enough. From Triton to AIM6, it's a 100% Do It. Performance and memory usage alone is a reason as to why.
To the user that made actual contacts to figure this issue out...who actually is upset that uninstalling won't fix the problem...why is it that you are willing to go through all these lengths, when you could have upgraded in 1/10 of the time...leaving you with a better app? I totally understand where you are coming from, truly I do. Like I said in previous postings: 1) The way we rolled this upgrade notification out is unfavorable 2) I hate application intrusion.
Please note, AIM6 is not my program, but I am, indeed, a core developer on the project. In this aspect, it is my program, but so is Triton, so I carry no bias except the fact that I know the AIM6 product is a significantly improved Triton. And I am sorry to hear that you aren't using our product because you like it, but because you have to...hopefully we can change that in the near future with the direction we're taking.
I hear you and understand where you're coming from,
Anonymous that wants a fix...sorry to say but,
The upgrade is the fix. The notification, which I too disapprove of, IS interfering with you. As such, the fix would be to upgrade. This "fix" would also "fix" your version of Triton. I know you rarely use it, but when you do, trust me, looking at the graphs, you'd want to use AIM6 vs. Triton ;)
Sorry in advance since I know this was probably the answer you weren't looking for.
But thanks again for sticking with us...
It's too bad AOL is promoting repiars for a defunct program through constant and annoying popups every 3 to 5 minutes for that you can't get rid of. Perhaps if the program is obsolete as noted in this blog, they should cease pestering consumers, and promote their new software version. I gave in and simply removed all AOL from my computer. Sorry AOL. it's a wonder you stay in business.
I am having the same problem with triton...pop ups to upgrade to 1.5 every 5 minutes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the program I have and just want these annoying pop ups to stop. I left AOL because of this. Surely, a software engineer over there can figure a way out to help us in this issue!
What don't you understand here?
None of us want Triton, yet we're all getting constant pop-ups about it. Pop-ups that are relentless (mine come 3 to 5 minutes apart) and useless to us.
The solution to the problem should not be downloading something we don't want.
Is there really no information to share with us, no solution as to how to get rid of these pop-ups?
They are beyond annoying; they're completely intrusive.
How do you people get away with this crap? Solve the problem, now!!
Hi All,
I've never been a big fan of hacky solutions that may further exploit buggy situations in a client with several security issues (which have been fixed in AIM 6.1), but since many of you would rather stay on Triton than move on to AIM 6 the following MAY be a solution to your notification annoyances.
Go into the program directory that houses Triton and delete the folder services/"softwareUpdate".
I don't own the softwareUpdate service nor did I do any work on the US side of software updates, but I'm guessing removing this service will result in a no call event.
Fingers Crossed and Thanks for the support.
This thing is a pain in the rear. It pops up about every five minutes. How do you find the program directory that houses triton so that you can eliminate it?
It's been awhile since I've looked at the Triton directory structure (AIM 6 is in a different directory), but I believe it's
/program files/common files/aol/#randomnumber#/services/..
If all is right, you should see a list of services, more specifically, you should see "softwareUpdate".
Exit Triton, remove this folder, and sign back on. Hopefully that will solve your update woes.
AIM Away! (without the popups hopefully ;) )
Hey Romy-
I was sent to this site during my search for a way to remove the pop-ups everyone here has been talking about. After reading everyone's comments, I wanted to tell thank you for your patience and understanding with the people you've been interacting with. As customers we've been placed in a disapointing situation and your support has been impressive- you're a class act.
I also wanted to tell you that I tried the path you suggested and have been pop-up free for an hour and half! I recognize that it may not be a perminent solution, but its proved to be at least temporary- thank you for your help! Couldn't have done it without you!
Why Thank You Kelly! :D
I'm glad that the solution worked for you. Again, future releases will be coming sooner and more often so please come back with any questions or comments you may have.
I hope in the future you decide to move along side us and use the latest clients we make public on aim.com. Also, on a monthly-ish schedule, we'll be posting quality beta releases on beta.aol.com. Please, download, install, and comment your heart out!
Again, many thanks. It's good to have some high fives once in awhile. ;)
Happy AIMing!!!
Hey all,
I have been having the same problem as all of you. I found that when I upgraded to the latest version of AIM, my computer would freeze every time I used it. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled the first AIM Triton version. Now I get the popups every 20 minutes. This is really annoying since it interrupts my screensaver and I'm worried about my laptop screen. So I found another IM program called Pidgin 2.0 at...
This program used to be called GAIM but AIM complained about the last 3 letters of it so they changed the name to Pidgin instead for version 2.0. It's a nice program and works with AIM, MSN messenger, Yahoo, and the rest of the IM programs. I hope this helps some of you out. There aren't any popups with this one either. Happy IMing!
The update notifications are appalling. I don't want to upgrade. I just don't. I'm going back to GAIM. Or Pidgin. Whatever.
I dont want to buy a new car cos my ashtray is full. I just want my ashtray emptied. Ive tried the new AIM and I HATE it, Im perfectly fine with the old AIM. How do I stop the pop-ups?
DONT give me the solution of upgrading cos I DONT WANT TO. Im using caps cos you dont seem to understand what numerous people have already said before me.
AO Hell as it is often called, has always been invasive, so all this indignation seems odd to me, but the users are also known as A-holes On Line.
On a productive note, "Trillian" has a free download replacement for several of the IM programs most commonly in use.
Back to being me, a normal non AOL user would have looked for and found his own solution, so maybe you need big brother to hold your AOL user hand?
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