Thursday, May 25, 2006

AIM Triton 1.5 Preview

Hi All...I'll talk about this version a little more later...but I wanted to give it a quickPlugIn();

Download Triton 1.5 from AIM.COM. It isn't at its best yet...but its a whole lot better than what we had before :)

And again, on behalf of the AIM team...Thanks for the support. Happy AIMing!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy Birthday AIM

Happy 10th Birthday to the AIM Buddy List!!!
Check out AIM's timeline @

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Now you log it. Now you don't!

So, many many moons ago, Beta testers were able to download a beta build that had Logging in it! You know that good ol' feature that keeps DeadAim fans DeadAiming :)

Well here's the magic potion to resurrect it:

1) Take 1 cup of Gus' IM Control Panel and use it to find the prefs/ file.
2) Take an ounce of Ctrl+F and look for "prefs.chkLogIMs_string" in that box file.
3) Now, you'll notice there is a collapsed="true" right before that string. Change the "true" to "false" :)
4) Exit Triton completely and then log back in.

Presto Chango, You now have logging enabled! From here on, conversations will be saved and you'll be able to view them by going to an IM Window and selecting File -> "Open Saved Logs..." The option to disable logging can be found in Settings -> "General IM".

Now, I don't want to hear any complaints about Log problems/features. Afterall, it really doesn't exist ;-) Happy Logging!